Fresh and Fruity

A class of students were out picking berries when they came across the biggest berry in the whole world. It was the same height of the Eiffel Tower and it was way bigger than big foot.

When the students saw the humongous berry one of the students went to get the teacher but when the teacher saw the berry she stared at it for about 10 secs and then fainted. So the students tried to pick up the enormous berry but it was toooo heavy for the students to pick up. So they went to the office and talked on the speaker to ask all the students and the teachers to come out side and try to pick up the large berry. But it was still too heavy.

After a day or so the teachers went to the police station. And the teachers pleaded the police manger to get all of the police officers that he had. So he agreed to go and try to lift up the huge berry.

That day the police officers went to the school. The principal showed the officers where the berry was. When the principal got to the big berry it was gone. They were startled to see that the humongous, enormous, large, heavy, huge, big berry had gone. The school searched high and low in bushes up in the trees which is basically every where they can look.

But when every one went in to the hall they found the humongous, enormous, large, heavy, huge, big berry. And the students looked around the berry and tried to see who or what had pushed all the way from the big field to the school hall and the thing that pulled, pushed or dragged the berry was a West Highland White Terrier. It the same size of a balloon and it pushed it all the way in to the hall through the doors and in the middle of the floor. Can you believe that the tiny dog pushed it here? So the next day the press came to Kaitao Middle School to interview the principal about the dog and the humongous berry.


The day I went to Auckland

On the 25 Saturday 2008,me, my mum and my sister. We all went to Auckland we stayed there for 4 days.
At my aunty's. It took us 3 and a half hours to get there, we left there at 7:30am and we got there at 11:00am. It was so boring in the car there was hardly anything to do in there. When we got there we had a big stretch. Then we went up and gave my auntie a big hug. 30min later we unpacked the luggage and made our beds. Then Poof! Relaxing time.

The next day we went to Sylvia Park. It was awesome! there shops were huge. My 2 favourite parts in the mall was the rocket elevator and the big Candy area (Candy Land). We stayed at Sylvia park for 3hrs. it was so awesome when we were in there we watched Get Smart.
That was such an awesome movie. I said to my mum, sister and auntie. 1hr later we all finally got home at 6:00pm. I was so hungry. So we had Nandoes for dinner there bread is the best.

On Monday we went ice skating it was so fun.But i keep on Falling over. It was so sore! and I was wearing shorts at the time so it was really cold that day. When we got home i went and sat in front of the fire that was really nice and warm. For dinner that night we had pizza. My favourite pizza was Hawaiian pizza. That night I had such a good sleep, I had slept for 9hrs. Normally I sleep in for 8hrs but i had an extra hour sleep in.

The next day it was the final day in Auckland so we all went to the Sky Tower and Kelly Tarltens. It was so cool in there my favourite animal in the Kelly Tarltens was the Green Turtle it was adorable. At the end there was a gift shop and I bought a toy penguin and a turtle. Then my fun got a photo of me, my mum, sister and my auntie.

The Best Teacher

Mr Apperley is the best teacher in this school!
Every monday my class gets to go to Mr Apperley a.k.a (Appelz). It is so cool at the end of the day he gives out a chocoalate bar to the best student through the day. It has manly been girls in the class. That is why i think Mr Apperley is the coolest teacher of all!

Alphabet Names

Social talkers

Complicated work
On task
y talented
Excellent at every thing
Really good at sports.
Yes thats us! The Discovery Team.

Tennis Lessons

Today at school my class went to Tennis Lessons. We were the first class in the whole school to get some lessons. Our Tennis teacher was called Mr Beamish. First we had to go up and get a racket, (i got a green racket) Once we had got a racket we all got a ball each. For our first lesson we had to try and bounce the ball on the racket. It was quite easy.When we had finished that we moved onto playing tennis team 1 team 2 and it was the best boy and girl. I was the best girl in my class and this boy won the best boy tennis player in our class and we won a card so we can get some free juice from New World.